What We Do

The Problems We Solve

There’s a hero in every story. YOU are the hero of yours. But every story also has an anti-hero. And yours is no exception.

Consider this:

  • Do short-term emergencies dominate your time?
  • Is there a disconnect between your intentions and desired outcomes?
  • Do urgent tasks often dominate the important?
  • Are there inefficiencies that are costing you time and valuable resources?
  • Is your business heavily impacted by excessive waste?
  • Do new ideas rarely come to fruition?
  • When they do, are they short-lasting?
  • Have you tried to make changes and instead caused chaos?
  • Has unbalanced living become the norm?

Congratulations, you’ve found your anti-heroes. New Legacy Consulting exists to empower heroes to overcome their enemies by helping them identify and address the problems and leeches that are crippling their business.

What we do

  1. We attack and eliminate waste
  2. We optimize and prioritize important over ugent
  3. We help solve the disconnection between intention and desire outcomes
  4. We help you walk out of dangerous unbalanced living

Through our DRIVER method, we partner with you to help you move from simply managing jobs to owning a business. Simply put, we help put you back in the DRIVER’s seat of your business so you can start building a legacy in all aspects of life.


At New Legacy Consulting, we pride ourselves on being an organization that works to ensure how we accomplish success is done the right way. The services we provide are based on simple concepts that matter:

We love people.
We partner with people.
We help people.

Using full-scale change management and a hands-on partnership approach, we help you discover and implement the things your business needs in order to grow and operate successfully and sustainably. We help take you from abstract to concrete, allowing you to regain control so you can give your business the attention it deserves

Are you tired of your anti-heroes winning? Give us a call. Let’s get you off cruise control and back into the DRIVER’s seat.