What We Believe

At New Legacy Consulting, we believe that actions are driven by values and values stem from core beliefs. We believe in God. We believe that He is our Savior and Provider. We believe that He displays love to His children in amazing and miraculous ways. As a result, we believe it is good to invest in five core ideas:

  1. Legacy
  2. People (Serving Others)
  3. Leadership
  4. Quality of Life
  5. Freedom

We Build Legacies

New Legacy Consulting helps individuals build legacies that last. We partner with you to encourage you to live life for the people who believe in and support you. We recognize that you may not be able to separate your business life from your personal life in every situation. But we believe that you can create healthy boundaries that will allow you to positively impact your business and still give attention to the things that truly matter – attending your children’s extracurricular activities, focusing on your health and wellbeing, or spending quality time with someone you love. Now more than ever, it’s important for you to pass on a legacy in all aspects of life – at the office, at home, in your community, and anywhere else you invest your time.

We Value People

New Legacy Consulting puts people first, always. We build relationships through trust and transparency while giving you the resources you need to make the changes necessary to productively and healthily run your business or ministry. We support the community by investing in and ministering to those in need, and we believe the way humanity will overcome difficulty is through serving one another.

We Empower Leaders

New Legacy Consulting empowers leaders through servant and transformational leadership. We put a high value on understanding Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and encourage leaders to intentionally put people first. Through healthy and effective means of communication, we use radical candor to aid in conflict management. We embrace a “one team, one mission” mindset while understanding that the “whole” is always greater than its parts.

We Seek to Increase Quality of Life

The age-old model of work-life balance has become a fairy tale. The idea that you must give priority to your personal life so you can be healthy for your professional life implies the separation of the two. These days, however, business owners and leaders find it difficult to separate their personal and business lives, often bringing work home with them at the end of the day.

New Legacy Consulting recognizes the importance of changing that habit. We help our clients learn how to live a balanced life that allows them to focus on top priorities, whether they are personal or business-related. We encourage you to spend your time in a way that matters. After all, your time is your most important and valuable commodity.

We Point People to Freedom

At New Legacy Consulting, we point you to freedom by helping break the chains of what’s expected in today’s corporate world. We help you find freedom in working to run your business so your business doesn’t run you. Freedom in choosing what your days look like and having the ability to watch your children grow up. Freedom in breaking people-pleasing habits and starting to live for those that truly matter. Our goal is to encourage you to make healthy, positive changes so you can release the pressure the world puts on you to achieve a certain level of success. It’s time for you to take control and start living your life your way.